Biohacking is one of 2022’s major health trends. Everyone is talking about how to “hack” their health, how to use technology to do so, and how to self-optimize, way beyond simple productivity tips for the workplace. But are we actually there yet?
Shouldn’t we maybe first try to learn as much as possible about our bodies as we can?
We tend to jump the gun and look for the easy way out on many complex issues around mental and physical health. Just think of the millions of fad diets and 3-step plans to better health. We don’t bat an eye as we’re investing hundreds of dollars in supplements instead of working on a holistic wellness plan. And this is just the fitness industry. When it comes to wellness and wellbeing, in general, there are so many tips and tricks out there - all in the name of “self betterment” or “self optimization”. Many of those hacks seem to have one common goal: become the best version of yourself - but only if by “best” you mean “the most productive/efficient/least tired/always happy” version of yourself.
Before we can work on any of that, however, we believe that we have to invest some time and energy into understanding the unique physiology we are given. This is especially true for all people with menstrual cycles. Because the world is mainly operating on productivity and efficiency goals that follow the circadian rhythm; the linear rhythm that follows the sun rising and setting, and is roughly the same every day. There is still so little (but slowly increasing) research done on how the menstrual cycle and our reproductive hormones influence our daily lives and, in turn, how our stress influences our hormonal (im-)balances.
So, before we can successfully cycle sync® with supplements and seed cycling, before we can adjust our nutrition and workout regimens to our cycle phases, and before we can effectively biohack our cycles to “function better” in the workplace (we doubt this should ever be a goal to strive towards), we have to get a good idea of what we’re actually working with. And because no two wombs are the same, no two physiologies are the same, and no two menstrual cycles are the same, this is work that has to be done on an individual level.
The good news? You can actually do it! All you have to do is change your mindset. Instead of trying to fit your cyclical (monthly) inner rhythm into this busy world and your stressful life, try this: think of your inner cycles as your pacemaker, the thing that determines how you feel/sleep/eat/work differently each day, each week of the month. After all, us cyclical beings, we make up over half of the world’s population - we should get to live healthy lives in our own rhythms, too. Wouldn’t you agree?
The even better news? You don’t have to figure it all out on your own! That’s what the Baba Yaga is here for. We created her as your daily guide-coach-cheerleader-fairy godmother to help you figure out where you are in your cycle, what your strengths and weaknesses are, and how you can best leverage those. These daily hormone powers are why we do what we do. We believe you deserve to feel empowered by your hormones, not burdened by them. So, before you try to “improve” yourself into something or someone you’re not, start with understanding who and what you actually are. And then, we’ll go from there.