Menstrual health is about so much more than just periods. But it starts there. Because as long as there are people in the world who do not know the next thing about our menstrual and reproductive health but who get to make decisions about our bodies, we are in a pretty hopeless situation.
Let’s finally eradicate all shame around menstruation and hormones, everywhere. Period.
There’s great power in numbers. There is nothing more powerful than sharing your stories and experiences with others.
Let’s normalize periods, menstrual cycles, hormones changes… Your cyclical lifestyle is just as valid as a linear one!
Hopefully, talking about menstrual cycles, reproductive health, and bodily autonomy will one day be boring - but clearly, this day is not today. Let's help normalize talking about our menstrual & reproductive health to such a degree that it does actually become boring. That it becomes an afterthought - not because it's being controlled & suppressed by the wrong people, but rather because it's become a 100% natural part of every-day life. That it is why it's important to keep talking about it!
Sources & Credits
Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels