Water reflections on a red background
Femme boxer wearing red gloves

Fight Cramps For Good

& finally live your healthiest life
Start healing now

Your period cramps are not just a monthly nuisance; they're a powerful signal from your body. They're telling a story of repressed anger, unresolved issues, and potential health risks. Let's not just alleviate the pain but address the root cause and transform your life.

If this is you every month, continue here.

Woman on bed holding lower belly
  • If you struggle with cramps, this is for you.

  • If you’re a boss babe who hates their period, this is for you.

  • If people pleasing, imposter syndrome, and perfectionism are holding you back, this is for you.

Because, Friend, you deserve to find healing.
Start healing now
New moon sliver on a red night sky
Join this 5-day challenge for healthier periods!

The 3 R’s of Cramp-Free Living


A unique new way to fight your cramps - for good! There are no band aid fixes with the Baba Yaga.


Free 5-day video challenge, less than 10 minutes each day, more relaxed periods!


Free workbook for lasting change: never dread your period again!

Start healing now