A path to holistic menstrual health and empowerment
Menstrual health extends beyond physical symptoms; it encompasses emotional well-being and empowerment. Amidst the challenges of period cramps and societal expectations, there lies an opportunity for transformative healing and growth. This article explores the interconnectedness of emotions, menstrual health, and empowerment, inviting readers to embrace their emotions as catalysts for holistic well-being.
Emotions, particularly anger, often carry negative connotations in society. However, Dr. Lisa Rankin, in her book Mind Over Medicine,
highlights the profound impact of emotional expression on physical health. She notes, Anger and resentment create an acidic environment in the body, promoting the growth of cancer cells.
This insight underscores the importance of acknowledging and processing emotions for overall health and vitality.
Research supports the notion that emotional suppression correlates with higher stress levels and increased risk of psychological distress. The American Psychological Association emphasizes the detrimental effects of chronic emotional suppression on mental and physical health. By reframing emotions as valuable signals from the body, we can cultivate greater self-awareness and emotional resilience.
This is why we focus our free 5-day challenge on a healthy practice of rage: the premenstrual rage room sessions that we invite you to will positively change your life!

Sleep plays a crucial role in menstrual health, yet myths and misconceptions often surround sleep recommendations for menstruators. Contrary to popular belief, menstruators require more than the often cited 7-8 hours of sleep per night for optimal hormonal balance, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Adequate sleep during the luteal phase can alleviate menstrual symptoms and promote overall well-being.
Practical tips for improving sleep quality during the luteal phase include prioritizing sleep hygiene and creating a relaxing bedtime routine. By incorporating these strategies into our daily lives, we can optimize their sleep quality and support hormonal balance throughout our menstrual cycle.
Do you ever shame yourself for resting? This is why we include valuable tips for better sleep in our free 5-day challenge for healthier periods without cramps: power naps are not just allowed but mandatory!

Journaling provides an opportunity for introspection and self-reflection. By exploring the significance of emotions, such as anger, we can gain insights into our emotional landscape and identify triggers for emotional distress. Reflective questions prompt us to consider how repressed emotions may manifest in physical health issues and hinder personal growth.
We added some powerful journaling prompts to the free 5-day challenge of cramp-free living.

The connection between emotions and liberation extends beyond individual well-being to collective empowerment. Kimberlé Crenshaw, in her seminal work Mapping the Margins,
emphasizes the importance of intersectional feminism in dismantling systemic inequalities. By identifying areas of injustice and advocating for change, we can harness the power of transmuted rage for collective transformation.
Rethinking traditional approaches to pelvic floor health, active release practices offer a holistic approach to menstrual wellness. Utilizing uterine muscles for release, instead of traditional kegel exercises, promotes relaxation and alleviates menstrual discomfort. Research in the Journal of Sexual Medicine
and Journal of Women's Health Physical Therapy
underscores the efficacy of active release practices in reducing tension and promoting pelvic floor health.
Guided practices for incorporating active release into daily routines can empower you to reclaim agency over your body and prioritize self-care. By engaging in gentle contractions and relaxations of the pelvic floor muscles, you can promote circulation and alleviate menstrual discomfort.
A birthing doula once taught me about this powerful practice - I'm sharing it with you in this free 5-day challenge.

Embracing emotions as signals from the body, prioritizing restorative sleep, reflecting on emotions and liberation, and incorporating active release practices into daily routines are essential steps towards holistic menstrual health and empowerment. Through self-awareness, self-care, and collective action, we can navigate our menstrual cycles with greater ease and embrace the transformative potential of our emotions.
Sources & Credits
Rankin, Lisa. Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself.
Hay House, 2013.
Psychological Science.
American Psychological Association, 2021.
National Sleep Foundation. Sleep Duration Recommendations.
Sleep Health, vol. 3, no. 1, 2017, pp. 1-2.
Sleep Medicine Reviews.
Elsevier, 2020.
Psychology Today.
Sussex Publishers, 2023.
American Psychological Association. Emotional Health and Well-Being.
APA, 2022.
Journal of Sexual Medicine.
Wiley Online Library, 2021.
Journal of Women's Health Physical Therapy.
Wolters Kluwer, 2019.
The Guardian.
Guardian News & Media Limited, 2023.
Crenshaw, Kimberlé. Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color.
Stanford Law Review, vol. 43, no. 6, 1991, pp. 1241-1299.