
Baba Yaga Stories

Do you know how unfuckwithable you become when you truly know yourself?

Do you know how unfuckwithable you become when you truly know yourself?

In a society rife with medical gaslighting and systemic oppression, truly knowing your body is a radical act of resistance. This latest Baba Yaga app update is more intuitive and supportive, making it easier to track your cycle and get personalized tips.Read more
The evolution of period product advertising

The evolution of period product advertising

In this article we trace the evolution of period product advertising from the late 19th century to today, highlighting the shift from secrecy and stigma to inclusivity and empowerment. It examines how these ads reflect societal views on gender, body autonomy, and intersectional feminism, while analyzing the psychological impact of advertising strategies.Read more
Menstrual health news, period myth busting, intersectional feminism, femtech updates, cycle breaking, and shame healing for all menstruating bodies
A path to holistic menstrual health and empowerment

A path to holistic menstrual health and empowerment

This article explores the relationship between emotions, menstrual health, and empowerment. It highlights the impact of emotional expression on physical health and provides practical tips for improving sleep quality during the luteal phase. Reflective journaling prompts and Kimberlé Crenshaw's advocacy for intersectional feminism are discussed, emphasizing the connection between individual well-being and collective empowerment. Additionally, the article introduces active release practices for physical and emotional healing, promoting pelvic floor health and alleviating menstrual discomfort. By embracing these practices, readers can enhance their menstrual health and overall well-being.Read more
Unveiling the silent messages of menstrual cramps: A revolutionary perspective on anger, cancer, and self-healing

Unveiling the silent messages of menstrual cramps: A revolutionary perspective on anger, cancer, and self-healing

This article delves into the complex interplay between emotions, menstrual health, and empowerment, with a particular focus on the phenomenon of anger triggering period cramps. By exploring the underlying reasons behind this common experience, readers will gain insights into how emotions impact menstrual wellness and overall well-being. Drawing on research findings and expert insights, the article examines the importance of embracing emotions, prioritizing self-care practices, and advocating for systemic change. Through reflective prompts and actionable strategies, readers are empowered to navigate their menstrual cycles with greater ease and harness the transformative potential of their emotions for holistic health and empowerment.Read more
Unveiling the power of mindfulness and inner work through your menstrual cycle

Unveiling the power of mindfulness and inner work through your menstrual cycle

Embark on a journey of holistic well-being as we explore the intersection of mindfulness, cycle syncing, and Jungian & positive psychology in the context of menstrual health. This article delves into the transformative power of inner work, shadow healing, and shame transformation, inviting you to sync with your cycle and embrace a new era of mental well-being. Experience the feminine way to mindfulness with our app's daily mood tracking feature.Read more
Is it worth the effort?

Is it worth the effort?

Embark on a journey of discovery as we explore the worth of cycle syncing in modern wellness. From hormones to inclusivity, fertility awareness to biohacking, this article dives into the multifaceted world of menstrual health. Join us in understanding how an empowering app can help you lead a more harmonious life, regardless of your individual journey.Read more
Navigating your menstrual cycle phases for true wellbeing

Navigating your menstrual cycle phases for true wellbeing

Delve into the harmonious dance of your menstrual cycle's phases, akin to the moon's transitions. Discover how each phase influences your daily life, career journey, spiritual connection, and mental equilibrium.Read more
Unveilling the mysteries of your menstrual cycle

Unveilling the mysteries of your menstrual cycle

Uncover the holistic approach to understanding PMS. From historical ties to healing practices and psychological insights, this article invites you to embrace your cycle's transformative power.Read more
Why do I get mood swings?

Why do I get mood swings?

Discover the fascinating connection between your mood swings and your menstrual cycle. Uncover the ancient wisdom that guides us to embrace our emotions as signals for a healthier, harmonious life. Dive into the science behind mood fluctuations and learn how our holistic menstrual health app can empower you to ride the wave with confidence.Read more
Discover natural ways to regulate your menstrual cycle without hormones

Discover natural ways to regulate your menstrual cycle without hormones

Dive into the world of holistic menstrual health as we explore the reasons behind late periods and share natural methods to regulate your cycle without hormones. From stress management to embracing your unique rhythm, our expert tips guide you toward a more harmonious cycle. Elevate your experience with our menstrual health app, designed to empower and support your journey.Read more
Bloody good hacks for lighter periods

Bloody good hacks for lighter periods

Welcome to our illuminating blog on menstrual health! We spill the tea on heavy periods, equipping you with practical hacks for achieving lighter flows. Explore cycle-synced nutrition, herbal remedies, and stress-reduction techniques, and unlock the power of our menstrual health app to live your best life in sync with your cycle. Join us on this empowering journey today!Read more
10 alternative tips for relief

10 alternative tips for relief

Discover the truth about period cramps in this empowering article. Our app's cycle coach guides you through 10 alternative tips for pain relief, from herbal remedies to yoga poses. Say goodbye to period pain and join our community for more wellness insights!Read more
Common period myths - busted ✓

Common period myths - busted ✓

Unveiling the truth behind common period myths, this article debunks misconceptions and provides evidence-based information to empower users on their journey to holistic menstrual health. Discover the reality, debunk the myths, and embrace your menstrual cycle's power.Read more
Embodying and healing your menstrual cycle

Embodying and healing your menstrual cycle

Unlock the secrets of your menstrual cycle and the ancient wisdom of Baba Yaga. Embrace a slower pace of life, mindfulness, and self-care tailored to your cycle phases. Join us on a transformative journey of healing and empowerment with our holistic menstrual health app.Read more
Reclaiming your menstrual health

Reclaiming your menstrual health

Reclaim your menstrual health and embrace empowerment with the Baba Yaga Cycle Coach. Explore the power of cycle syncing, rebel against shame and stigma, and revolutionize your well-being. Join the movement today.Read more
Deconstructing period shame & stigma

Deconstructing period shame & stigma

Step into a new era of inclusive menstrual health with Baba Yaga Cycle Coach. Bust period myths, and disentangle womanhood from periods. Join the revolution for empowered and inclusive menstrual health for all.Read more
This holistic merchandise rasises awareness for menstrual health

This holistic merchandise rasises awareness for menstrual health

Baba Yaga Lifestyle is a new merchandise brand promoting menstrual health education and empowering women to live in sync with their menstrual cycles. The brand offers co-created t-shirts and accessories that fight period shame and stigma and aim to create a more inclusive world for everyone.Read more
The surprising link between spiritual awakenings and founding companies

The surprising link between spiritual awakenings and founding companies

This article explores the intersection of spiritual awakenings and founding a company, two seemingly unrelated topics that share a common thread of fear and shame. Read on to discover how you can overcome these emotions and achieve success in both areas.Read more
Your body is speaking, are you listening?

Your body is speaking, are you listening?

Welcome to the world of fertility awareness! If you have a menstrual cycle, your period & ovulation are not just a sign of fertility but a window into your overall health.Read more
Hysteria, PMS, and the crazy hormonal myth: a guide to breaking the stigma

Hysteria, PMS, and the crazy hormonal myth: a guide to breaking the stigma

We've all been called crazy or hormonal at some point in our lives, especially when we're on our periods. But where does this stigma come from? In this article, we'll explore the history of hysteria, its connection to PMS, and how we can break the stigma around our menstrual cycles and emotions.Read more
Self-empowerment before biohacking

Self-empowerment before biohacking

Why self-empowerment has to come way before we can even begin to look at self-optimization or biohacking.Read more
This is not just another period tracking app…

This is not just another period tracking app…

Do we really need another period tracker? Your menstrual cycle is more than just your period. Why tracking your menstrual health is important.Read more
Why you should care about menstrual health

Why you should care about menstrual health

Regardless of whether you have periods or not, menstrual health should be important to everyone. Here’s why.Read more
Why you should track your menstrual cycle

Why you should track your menstrual cycle

There are many benefits to cycle tracking, but the most important one is the empowerment factor.Read more
Why you should talk about your menstrual cycle

Why you should talk about your menstrual cycle

Sharing your menstruation stories, cramp remedies, and cycle experiences with your close friends or partners is the no. 1 thing you can do to help eradicate period shame.Read more
Period poverty & shame

Period poverty & shame

Period poverty is a very real struggle for an increasing number of people in this world. Learn what you can do to fight it.Read more
The gender health gap and building products for people with wombs

The gender health gap and building products for people with wombs

Find out how the gender health gap might affect your daily life and what you can do about that.Read more
Circadian & infradian rhythms

Circadian & infradian rhythms

Find out which natural cycles govern your every-day life and how you can live in sync with your infradian rhythm.Read more
On building in public, hustle culture, and impostor syndrome

On building in public, hustle culture, and impostor syndrome

A menstruating femtech founder talks openly about imposter syndrome and how hustle culture hurts her cycle.Read more
Where science meets spirituality

Where science meets spirituality

How do biology and spirituality fit together? We combine scientific research and ancestral wisdom to provide a holistic empowerment tool.Read more
Beyond periods

Beyond periods

Living in sync with your menstrual cycle is more than just predicting your next period. Here’s what you need to know.Read more
Respectfully, periods are not dead

Respectfully, periods are not dead

We are not done talking about periods, because there is still a large information, education, and attitude gap.Read more
Who is the Baba Yaga?

Who is the Baba Yaga?

The Baba Yaga is a mystical figure from folklore and fairytales. Find out what she has to do with menstrual health and feminine empowerment.Read more
